Sunday, January 27, 2008


在Jurong Point吃饭的时候,居然遇到了IA Supervisor一家人。这是第一次在离开Exxon后遇到旧同事。过后,在Bugis, 又遇到火灾。火灾发生在四马路附近的熟食中心其中一个摊位,应该不是很严重,因为只有救火车来,并没有看见救伤车,所以我猜测没有人受伤。Dear在Bugis血拼完后,因为找不到他老爸的衣服,我们又去牛车水。结果,我们碰到了神庙办游街,众神诸如财神,土地公,关公,雷公都在,还有舞狮舞龙。在离开家乡后,已经很久没有见到游街了,原来新加坡也有这种传统活动,的确是大开眼界。

Saturday, January 26, 2008

A summary on my life in the past one week

Basically I could only remember 2 things:
First, I am sicked. (present tense is used, means I am STILL not recovered yet). It all started with twister fries. Since the fries are only offered during CNY period, I persuaded dear to share a pack of fries with me on Monday night. The next day, even though I had already felt something not right with my throat, I still went to buy apple pie. Then sore throat became serious, and soon I had running nose and fever. It became very serious at night. I could not do anything because the head was heavy and I could not focus. Yet I did not see doctor immediately. I was quite occupied with other things (since I could not do anythin at night, I must catch up during day time). The third (or fourth) day, I went for doctor but maybe it was a bit late for the effective curing period. Till now, I am still having flu. (sob sob...)
The second thing, I did my first formal fyp experiment testing. It FAILED. I have to think of a solution asap. Breakthrough in need desperately.
I think the drug starts to take effect. I feel sleepy. Going to stop here. Goodnight to everyone and take good care of yourself.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008




Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hair cut

I had a hair cut. I want to do it last month but the hairstylist said the hair was not long for all the curls to be removed. So yesterday, I suddenly had the urge to cut the hair and yes, I have a short hair now. This time, no rebond, no perm, no dye and I just have a natural short hair. I think I have tortured my hair too much with non-stop perming, rebonding and dyeing for several years since I left secondary school. A few stylists told me before the condition was bad.
I did it at Sandstrom JP and that was the first time I had hair cut at salon in Singapore. I personally found the price is reasonable for wash, cut and blow but Dear keeps stressing that he could have 5 times of hair cut in Malaysia with that amount. The lady hairstylist is pretty good. Initially VuiYang told me that male stylists' skills are better. However I really could not bring myself to ask for change when the lady stylist came to me. Ya fortunately she was quite patient and I am satisfied with the new hair style. Actually I know my hair is not so easy to be styled because of the length and curls.
Eager to see my new look? Hehe...ask me out and you could see me lor ;P

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I think I am sicked

Sneezing again... The sinus comes back. Is it because I am stressed? Oh more things to do. First time I hope that Chinese New Year should not come too quickly. Half of my February will be gone because of CNY and yet my FYP shows little progress since December. I have to search and apply for jobs also this semester.
I am covering myself with a blanket now, in front of computer. Ahh, back to my work, should not slacked anymore.

Yesterday - not my day

Yesterday, when all bad events came together:
1. Forgot that a class was canceled and rushed to the lesson
2. I walked down the flight of long staircase that behind Student Services Centre. It led to S4 but the doors to enter the building were locked. It was a dead end. I had no choice but to climb up the at least 5 levels staircase. (I was so near to my destination at that time but the doors were locked!)
3. Screwed up a few pieces of my FYP work
4. The fingers were hurted by the sharp edges of the machine
5. I went back to my room in the evening and discovered that my bras were being stolen again.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My sister's wedding on Christmas Eve - Part 2

The wedding followed the traditional Chinese wedding.

New family members - The five siblings, now become seven

The dinner @ Singapore Polytechnic Guild House


Dear was also attending the dinner.
"May our love lasts forever"

May laughters fill the family forever

Friday, January 11, 2008


这是一部男人的电影,由三位男星主演,唯一有多一点对白的女演员是徐静蕾。男友猛夸电影超赞,一些男同学也不断的以经典对白如“大哥是对的”或 “抢钱 ,抢粮,抢娘们”来开玩笑。也许是男人的话,都应该看一下电影描叙的兄弟情,也只有男人自己,才会有更深刻的体会吧。
肯定不是三弟。他是被凌迟处死的,在片末一句轻描淡写的交待, 让许多人忽略了究竟什么是凌迟处死。凌迟,把身上的肉一片一片割下来,让人流血痛苦而死。不知道他到死的那一刻,是否还相信投名状?太过执著与冲动,一旦信仰被摧毁,往往把自己推向万劫不复之地。

Monday, January 7, 2008

