I have seen 3 doctors for the past few day.
Saturday morning >> I was rushing back to Muar while there was a big crowd at Singapore custom and Larkin Bus Station. I had fever, maybe due to the hot weather. After taking Panadol and having a nap in the bus, everything seemed all right.
Saturday night>> Fever again. The body temperature was increasing to almost 40 deg C.
Sunday>> Visited the first doctor. Sore throat and running nose.
Monday>> The medicine prescribed by the first doctor had no effect at all. Fever again. Visited the second doctor and had a blood test.
Tuesday>> No more fever and still having flu. Then I had cold sores. Visited the third doctor to treat the cold sores.
Today, I think I almost recover from flu but then it takes time to heal the cold sores. The anti viral cream is quite effective and I could see the bubbles on my lip are shrinking. I hope I could recover soon.